Privacy Policy

Last updated: May 27th 2024

This policy lays out what data we collect, and why we collect it. It covers the information about web site visitors and users of our service. Throughout this document we refer to these categories of people as “you”.

However, this policy does not cover data about a customer's end users that we receive from a customer, or otherwise process on a customer's behalf. When we process data on behalf of our customers we are doing so at their direction, as a “data processor” — if you are such a customer's end user, please see their privacy and legal policies.

We never sell your data, and we work to minimize the data we collect and what tools we use to process it. For example you will not find Google Analytics or other third party analytics tools on our site or in our software.

Things we collect

When you sign up we ask you for details like name, email address etc. We use this information to verify that you are you when you return to the site. Also (with your permission) we may send you surveys to better understand how you use the site and how we can serve you, or to let you know about enhancements.

If you sign up you will be asked to provide your payment information and a billing address. Card data is submitted directly to our payment processor (Stripe) and doesn't hit our servers. We store a record of the payment transaction, including the last 4 digits of the credit card number, so we can answer questions about payments made etc. We store your billing address so we can charge you for service, calculate any sales tax due and detect fraudulent credit card transactions.

We store on our servers the content that you upload or receive or maintain in your Uplift account(s). This is the purpose of the product — as a tool for you to manage your / your business's data. If you delete your account, we’ll delete the content within 40 days.

It is a common industry practice to log information about users, such as their IP address, browser, operation system, which pages you visit on the site, etc. Companies do this to help their marketing teams understand what communicates best, to mitigate fraud, detect abuse of the service, etc. Call us extremists, but we think it is possible to run a successful business and not track you even that much. In that vein we only collect such information (IP address, browser version, operating system version, and pages accessed) as part of help or support requests opened by you, and we destroy the information within one week.


A cookie is a piece of text stored by your browser, and sent to a site when you load a new page. They have a bad rap because too many people have used them for surveillance. We'd love to get rid of them too, but without them (or something very similar), we wouldn't be able to tell that you are you, from one page load to the next.

So we'll ask your browser to store a cookie from us, and to send it back to us on each page request, as the shibboleth that lets us know who you are.

We also make it easy for our customers to accept payments via Stripe, or to let their users login via "Login with Google" which means that Stripe and/or Google will be placing some cookies, and may be doing some tracking, if you've enabled those integrations.


When you email us with a question or support request, etc. We keep that correspondence. You probably wanted us to, so we can better help you, but we wanted to point that that we do keep it.

We also store information you volunteer to us, for example in response to a survey, or a customer interview.

When we access or disclose your information

To provide the services/products you've requested. We also use (and/or enable our customers to use) some third-party sub-processors to help provide a better service. We use Stripe to handle payments, and allow customers to enable Stripe and/or Login with Google.

We may also disclose your information at your direction, for example when integrating with third software.

If you have requested our help with extracting your data from a different system, with importing data into Uplift, or data cleaning / data quality programs, these necessitate that we access and examine your data.

During help or support requests, we may need to access your information to determine what the issue is, though we'll only do so with your permission and at your request.

We may be compelled by due process of law to access or turn over your data to proper legal authority.

Uplift is a product of Noion Labs, which is a U.S. company, as such we are subject to U.S. law and may turn over data to U.S. authorities if they have the necessary court order, criminal subpoena, warrant etc. It is our policy to inform effected users prior to doing so, if we are legally permitted to.

Similarly, our policy is to comply with requests to preserve data only if compelled by the U.S. Federal Stored Communications Act, 18 U.S.C. Section 2703(f), or by a properly served U.S. subpoena for civil matters. We do not disclose preserved data unless required by law or compelled by a court order that we choose not to appeal. Furthermore, unless we receive a proper warrant, court order, or subpoena before the required preservation period expires, we will destroy any preserved copies of customer data at the end of the preservation period.

If we are audited by a tax authority, we may be required to disclose billing-related information. If that happens, we will disclose only the minimum needed, such as billing addresses and tax exemption information.

What happens when you delete stuff

It actually gets deleted.

It is a serious, there are consequences kind of policy, but we want you to be in control, and when you say delete, we assume you mean it.

The data may still be retrievable from a backup — we offer a variety of backup plans — but doing so will incur support costs and depending on your backup plan etc. the data may simply not be there.

You can also export your data as often as you would like, and we encourage you to keep a local copy.

If you choose to cancel your account, your content will become immediately inaccessible and purged from our systems (including backups) within 40 days.

Data retention

We keep your information for the time necessary for the purposes for which it is processed. The length of time for which we retain information depends on the purposes for which we collected and use it and your choices, after which time we may delete and/or aggregate it. We may also retain and use this information as necessary to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, and enforce our agreements.

We may update this policy as needed to comply with regulations and reflect any changes in our practices. When we make any significant changes we will update the data on this page and email you.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please let us know at